31 January 2018, the European Parliament hosted a conference titled "EU Meets Russia. New Possible Relations?"
The event was organized by a Russian NGO, the Center for Support and Development of Public Initiatives "Creative Diplomacy" (PICREADI), and Members of the European Parliament from different political groups. The conference is the part of the Meeting Russia Program, launched by PICREADI in 2016.

Today, there is too much negativity about Russia and EU–Russian relations that doesn't allow to see the reality; the organizers sought to find new ways of dialogue.

The main goal of the Conference was to organize a new open discussion about EU–Russian relations among parliamentarians and representatives of different political groups in the European Parliament and Russian experts, representatives of think tanks and NGOs in the sphere of political science and international relations. The Conference produced fair discussion about problems and losses and helped exchange ideas on the outlines of future relations, new solutions and flexible approaches for both the EU and Russia.

The speakers of the Conference included Members of the European Parliament:
Mr. Stefano Maullu from the Group of the European People's Party; Mr. Andrejs Mamikins from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats;
Mr. Marco Zanni from Europe of Nations and Freedom Group.

Russian side was represented by:
Ms. Natalia Burlinova, President of the Center for Support and Development of Public Initiatives "Creative Diplomacy" (PICREADI); Mr. Andrey Afanasyev, host of the "Russian Answer" TV program at Tsargrad Channel; Ms. Evgenia Makhmutova, Assistant Professor of the Political Science Department Finance University of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Conference was moderated by Lukiana Suvorova, representative of "Creative Diplomacy" in Brussels, head of Civic Diplomacy Corps, expert in the sphere of civic diplomacy.
Among the main topics were the discussions about the contemporary EU–Russian relations, sanctions against Russia and who is winning, the information confrontation, the so-called Russian propaganda and why it happens, the role of NATO in the relations between the European Union and Russia, the filling of new Berlin Wall, lack of trust and respect towards each other, the possibilities to develop positive agenda about Russia and how to overcome the lack of Russian public diplomacy in cooperation with the EU, the future of cooperation including European Union and Eurasian Economic Union relations, the involvement of the business in developing relations, the useless strategy of imposing and teaching each other but importance of listening and finding ways for cooperation in many spheres as trade, energy, fighting terrorism, struggling migration, developing diverse inter-religious societies. Also, the experts discussed the varieties of etymology approach and differences of values in societies at the same time underlined the same Christian roots and closeness of mentality.

The participants of the Conference included representatives of the Parliament, deputies and members of Secretariat, representatives of other European Institutions, as well as different think-tanks, universities, NGOs from Brussels and beyond.