Non-governmental actors of Japan`s humanitarian policy Humanitarian assistance issues resonate among Japanese companies and nonprofit organizations. Along with that, there are
efforts to make Japan's contribution noticeable, for instance, by "labeling the national flag of Japan on distributed relief supplies and publicizing the projects through the media".
In 1994 in the former Yugoslavia several non-governmental organizations created
the Japan Emergency NGO (JEN), a humanitarian organization that specializes in providing emergency assistance and supporting social programs. JEN`s local branches were opened in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (today's Serbia and
Montenegro). Initially, the project was designed to last for six months, but ultimately was only completed in 2004.
Over time, the activities of JEN went beyond the Balkan region. By October 2016, JEN was implementing projects in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Jordan, and had a number of them completed in India, Mongolia, Indonesia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Haiti, Nepal and other countries.
Peace Winds Japan, the NGO established in 1996, works in two directions: providing emergency humanitarian assistance and disaster relief activities and reconstruction assistance for the "regeneration of self-sustaining livelihoods". This organization operates in countries such as Iraq, Syria, South Sudan, Kenya, Myanmar, East Timor, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, 33
countries and regions in general.
In 2000, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with NGOs and business, established
NGO Japan Platform (JPF) to provide more effective and expeditious assistance; today the Platform unites 43 NGO. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (through ODA), companies, private individuals and NGOs-members provide funds for the JPF. The main objects of
Japan Platform assistance are refugees and people affected by natural disasters. JPF acts as a kind of hub which accumulates resources for assistance and distributes it. By interacting with JPF, affiliated actors can gain certainty in that their assistance will reach the intended addressee.
JPF operates in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia (Sulawesi, Lombok), Yemen, South Sudan, Palestine. In fiscal year 2015-16 JPF implemented
90 projects under 12 programs, including assistance to people affected by the earthquake in Nepal, Afghanistan and Pakistan; flood in Myanmar; support of refugees in
Syria and Iraq; emergency assistance in South Sudan etc.